Pluyrial®, comblement des rides péri-buccales et du contour des lèvres


Qu’est-ce que l’Acide Hyaluronique ?

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule naturally present in our skin, it is a constitutional element of the extracellular matrix of the organism of which nearly 50% is found in the dermis. It contributes to the tone and elasticity of the skin and helps to fight against external damage leading to premature aging of cells.

In addition to ensuring good hydration, hyaluronic acid acts as a barrier against free radicals. Its reduction is responsible for the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines but also for a dryness of the skin and a loss of elasticity.

When to use Hyaluronic Acid?

Just like our entire body, the skin is susceptible to the effects of time. In addition to this natural aging, environmental factors (sun, stress, pollution, tobacco, diet, etc.), let the first signs of skin aging appear:
  • Gradually, the skin becomes thinner, drier and loses its elasticity;
  • Wrinkles appear as a result of the decrease in the natural production of hyaluronic acid. They give the face a bitter and sad expression;
  • The loss of volume is due to the migration of fat to the lower third of the face: the result is a flat face with poorly defined contours and thinner lips.

Pourquoi choisir Pluryal® ?

The Pluryal® range is presented in the form of an injectable hyaluronic acid-based gel, administered under the area to be treated. The Pluryal® range provides a solution for:

  • Réhydrater et redensifier la peau ;
  • Combler les rides ;
  • Remodeler le contour des lèvres et augmenter leur volume ;
  • Remodeler le contour du visage.
Option de traitement ATP38

Quel est le parcours vers votre nouveau sourire ?

Selon votre situation, le praticien déterminera le nombre et la fréquence de séances à suivre.
Les premiers résultats pourront être constatés dès la première séance.
Une crème anesthésiante peut être appliquée une à deux heures avant le rendez-vous.

Manufacturers: MD Skin Solutions.Biotech Dental – simplified company limited by shares with a capital of €24,866,417. Trade and companies register of Salon-de-Provence, France: 795 001 304 – SIRET: 795 001 304 00018. VAT No.: FR 31 79 500 13 04. CE0459. Wrinkle-filling gels intended to be injected into the skin of the face. Treatment with a filler may require several touch-ups over time to achieve the desired correction.Carefully read the instructions in the leaflet. Images for illustration purposes only.